Photo Credit:fimby.tougas.net
'When you enter into the world of medicinal herbs it is easy to get overwhelmed and confused by all the different kinds of preparations. To help you understand what they mean, here is a list explaining how some of the most popular herbal preparations are made and used.
Tea is probably the most well-known herbal preparation in the world. To make a tea, herbs are steeped in hot water for several minutes in order to extract beneficial properties. Teas are a very mild form of herbal administration, and can be enjoyed regularly as a beverage.
Decoctions are similar to teas but instead of steeping the herbs in hot water, the herbs are boiled with the water for an extended period of time. Sometimes one or more herbs will be boiled for longer, and other herbs will be added later. Through this process different herbs can have different strengths within the same herbal formula. Generally, decoctions are stronger than teas, and should be used with more clearly defined intentions.'
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