'Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a knack for poetically and empirically describing how our body, mind, and emotions are actually a microcosm of nature’s cyclic seasonal dance including its changing elemental emphasis, quality of energy, and directional focus. In other words, we need to make our own changes with each seasonal shift in order to be as healthy as we can be.
The seasonal health challenge is to harmonize our personal (microcosmic) energy field with the larger energy field of nature (macrocosm). Seasonal changes in TCM represent shifts between yin and yang energies. In autumn, contracting yin energy replaces the expansive yang energy of summer.
Yin energy moves inward and downward in contrast to extroverted yang energy which moves outward and up. Each seasonal change requires an adjustment in our body, mind, and spirit so we can maintain health. The key to staying healthy through seasonal shifts and to maintain our balance is found via diet and lifestyle choices and routines.'
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