Hordeolum is an acute infection of the oil glands in the eyelid caused by
bacteria from the skin ( bacteria stafilokokkus ) . Based
on the infection site Hordeolum divided into two types , namely Hordeolum
Internum and Hordeolum externum .
Hordeolum eye treatment can be done with warm compresses for 10 minutes 4 times a day and giving antibiotic eye ointment form or if necessary coupled with the tablet . Let Hordeolum broke his own , do not try to solve it . For Hordeolum that does not break itself , an incision will usually performed by an ophthalmologist so that pus can come out .
How to prevent eye Hordeolum are :
1 . Keep Cleanliness .
Hygiene must be maintained throughout the body that are not easily affected by bacterial infection or inflammation .
2 . Wash your hands frequently .
Because our hands are dirty, if not washed can be a carrier of germs or bacteria when we rubbed his eyes which can causes a Hordeolum .
3 . Beware if the eyes are often itchy
Because this may be early signs of impending Hordeolum .
4 . Rest my eyes .
Eyes should not be too tired , as tired eyes very big opportunity for Hordeolum .
5 . Adequate rest .
Lack of sleep or stay up late can also be one of the causes of Hordeolum .
6 . Increase endurance.
Sufficient exercise and a nutritious diet can prevent Hordeolum .
7 . Protect your eyes .
Wear eye protection in places dirty , dusty and smoky eyes are not so easily irritated .
That's 7 steps that we can do to prevent Hordeolum so that our eyes are the window to the world can stay healthy .
And the latter Hordeolum not classified as infectious disease
Hordeolum eye treatment can be done with warm compresses for 10 minutes 4 times a day and giving antibiotic eye ointment form or if necessary coupled with the tablet . Let Hordeolum broke his own , do not try to solve it . For Hordeolum that does not break itself , an incision will usually performed by an ophthalmologist so that pus can come out .
How to prevent eye Hordeolum are :
1 . Keep Cleanliness .
Hygiene must be maintained throughout the body that are not easily affected by bacterial infection or inflammation .
2 . Wash your hands frequently .
Because our hands are dirty, if not washed can be a carrier of germs or bacteria when we rubbed his eyes which can causes a Hordeolum .
3 . Beware if the eyes are often itchy
Because this may be early signs of impending Hordeolum .
4 . Rest my eyes .
Eyes should not be too tired , as tired eyes very big opportunity for Hordeolum .
5 . Adequate rest .
Lack of sleep or stay up late can also be one of the causes of Hordeolum .
6 . Increase endurance.
Sufficient exercise and a nutritious diet can prevent Hordeolum .
7 . Protect your eyes .
Wear eye protection in places dirty , dusty and smoky eyes are not so easily irritated .
That's 7 steps that we can do to prevent Hordeolum so that our eyes are the window to the world can stay healthy .
And the latter Hordeolum not classified as infectious disease
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