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Three Ways to Help You Quit Smoking Quick

Smoking is one of the most difficult habits to quit. Just ask any smoker and they will tell you this is true. If you smoke and have the desire to stop, here you will find some tips from me, an ex-smoker. First of all, it is important to remember that not everyone can quit the first time they try. In fact, most people take at least 3 or more attempts before they are finally able to kick the habit. But to get you started down the right road, here are some tips to help you reach the ultimate goal of becoming a non-smoker.
While some people can quit cold turkey without much, if any trouble, this is not the norm. In fact, what I have found to be true is that if someone can go cold turkey that easy, they were likely not as addicted to smoking as they may have thought. A true addiction is rarely easy to beat without real help. I have tried it all, and while not everything was productive for me, it may work for you.

Nicotine Patches

Nicotine patches are one of the tools that have proven to be the most successful quit methods. The patch consists of three steps. First you use the step one patches, then the step two and finally the step three. The last step patch contains the least amount of nicotine in it and therefore weans you off the drug. The main issue with the patch is that some people will still smoke while wearing the patches. This is very dangerous and increases your risk of nicotine overdose. Plus, if you smoke while using the patch you are not likely to have a successful quit. The patch also has a few annoying side effects, the worst being that the skin where you place it will itch quite intensely for the first hour or so after putting it on. If you can deal with this and can wear the patch without smoking even one cigarette then you have a strong chance of quitting for good.

Nicotine Gum

The nicotine gum works much in the same way as the patch does. You are directed to chew a certain amount of gum each day until you are to the point where you no longer feel the need for it. The biggest downside to the gum is that not many people enjoy the taste enough to actually stick with it as their main source of quitting.


The medical world has come a long way in drug developments. The drug Chantix has become a very popular way to quit smoking and really works well for a large majority of people. However, it does not work for everyone. My husband tried it and even when following the directions exactly, he was unable to quit smoking and felt none of the effects he was supposed to feel from the drug. For me it worked very well for a few days. Just the smell of smoke made me feel sick and I had no desire for a cigarette. However, the side effects were too much to handle. For some people, Chantix causes severe panic attacks, vivid nightmares and other nasty psychological effects. However, you don't know how it will react on you until you try, and it is most definitely worth trying since so many people do well with it.

No matter which method of quitting you choose, try to follow these tips to make it even easier to increase your chances of succeeding.
  • When you feel like having a smoke, do something else to take your mind off of it. Try working out or writing in a journal.
  • DO NOT replace your nicotine addiction with an eating addiction. This is why many people gain weight while quitting smoking but it does not have to be this way.
  •  If you are used to taking smoke breaks at work, talk a walk during your break instead.
  • Avoid being in situations where you are around other smokers; at least in the beginning of your quit attempt.
  • Go to places where smoking is not permitted so you do not get put in the path of temptation. 
By:Liem Nguyen

Three Ways to Help You Quit Smoking Quick
Iam Raju Al Nima From healtheverydays
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