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Cure Cancer with Soursop

Soursop/ Graviola leaves are rich in several compounds including protein, calcium, fructose, fat, vitamins A and B and the like. Thus, the leaves have excellent medicinal properties making them usable as an ingredient in several herbal health products. The health benefits of soursop leaves are as follows.Treatment of Cancer:

Soursop leaves can inhibit cancer cells and cure cancer more quickly and effectively than chemotherapy which results in several side effects besides being expensive. In fact, research has proved that soursop has an active ingredient that is 10000 times stronger than chemotherapy in fighting cancer cells. Thus, soursop leaves can treat different types of cancers including prostate, lung and breast cancers. For treatment, boil 10 soursop leaves in 3 cups of water until only one cup of water remains, strain and cool it and drink this concoction every morning for 3-4 weeks to determine improvement in the condition.
Soursop leaves cancer treatment is one of the most potent cures till date.
According to a study conducted by experts from Purdue University in the United States stated that this soursop leaf content is very good for the treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. In the study proves that soursop leaves can inhibit cancer cell growth. Some types of cancer that can be treated are breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and 12 other types of cancer.
he procedure to make it is:  take old soursop leaves and boil with 3 cups of water. Leave until remaining one cup of water, drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
After drinking, the body may feel the effects of heat, but no side effects.To cool the body drink 3 glasses of fruit juice like sweet lime or pinapple or eat water milon, and drink 3 glasses of buttermilk every day. In 2 weeks time you can feel the benefits of soursop yourself, and in 4 weeks time the improvements can be felt clearly. After 2 months you can go for a medical ckeck up.

Tags: Soursop,cure cancer,Herbal Medic

Cure Cancer with Soursop
Iam Raju Al Nima From healtheverydays
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