Tired? No more energy lets follow this poses,and you will get return your more energy,rilex and feel comfortable
Step 1 Mountain Pose
Stand up tall with your big toes touching. Bring balance evenly into both of your feet. Begin to engage the muscles in your legs, core and shoulders. Raise your arms alongside your ears and ease your shoulder blades down your back. Hold for 5 breaths, lower your arms down
Step 2 Stretch Pose
Sit on floor with legs outstretched. With each hand, grab corresponding big toe. (Or grab ankles or shins.) Inhale and arch back straight and up. Exhale, bend down at waist, and lower head to knees. Inhale, arch back up and straight, exhale, fold down at waist. Continue this motion at a steadily increased pace for 1 to 3 minutes. Briskly folding forward and backward encourages energy to distribute itself throughout the body. You might even feel a little dizzy.
Step 3 Camel Pose
Bump up your energy by bending back into Camel Pose.
Step 4 Downward-Facing Dog
Deservedly one of yoga’s most widely recognized yoga poses, Adho Mukha Svanasana, offer the ultimate all-over, rejuvenating stretch.
Step 5 Cobra Pose
Open the heart and roll the shoulders down to promote flexibility in Cobra Pose.
Step 6 Lord of the Dance Pose
Continue the actions of pushing the shinbone back, walking the hands down, and keeping the chest up, arms in. Eventually you’ll be able to keep all these actions and reach the foot. Once you have the foot with both hands, release the strap to come into full pose. Do your best to keep the hips squaring and drawing the right knee to the midline (it loves to splay out to the side . . . not so good for your sacrum). Draw the front hip bones up and soften your buns. Careful on the exit as it’s very easy to sling-shot out. If you still have the strap, soften your grip to slide out slowly, keeping the gaze forward and legs hugging to the midline.
Tags: Yoga Energy,Power,Pose Yoga
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